What God Will Do To Remind Us We’re Loved


A week ago {Thursday evening to be exact}, I uttered a desperate plea: God, you’ve not spoken in so long. I need to hear your voice. It was one of those in-the-moment, two-sentence prayers. Nothing more. I went to bed with no expectations.

My friend often says, Be careful what you ask for; God just might answer in the way you hoped.

I woke up Friday morning a little later than usual. School was on a two-hour delay due to the dusting of snow we’d received on Thursday. {Yep, I live in the deep south where grocery stores run out bread and milk at the hint of a snowflake.} Instead of tackling my normal routine of getting the girls out of bed, and cooking breakfast, I made my favorite Butterscotch-Toffee coffee and sat down with my laptop. I checked my email and was overwhelmed by what I found in my inbox.

First, there was a lengthy note of encouragement on my blog entry Toxic Me from a new commenter. I had been very apprehensive about posting that particular entry because I didn’t know how people would respond. To read how someone else felt like God might be calling her to put away the books and Bible studies to spend time with Him was a relief to me. I didn’t discount the comment as a coincidence.

Further scrolling through my inbox led me to a message that even a week later still leaves me dumbfounded. I have no doubt that this particular email, and the communication that has stemmed from it, is an answer to my little, two-sentence prayer.

God used my tiny, little piece of the blogosphere to bring into my life a complete stranger who offers kind, compassionate, loving words of wisdom. To be quite honest, this person isn’t necessarily saying anything new or that I haven’t previously heard. In fact, the messages echo many of the conversations I’ve recently had with my counselor and friends. I think what overwhelms me the most is that a person who lives several states away cares enough and is sensitive enough to Holy Spirit to allow Him to speak through an email conversation.

I’m intentionally being vague because, as I said yesterday, I want to treasure and ponder the way Jesus reveals Himself to me. But I do want to share one simple line from one of the emails I received just yesterday: You are loved, Rebekah.

My husband tells me every day that he loves me. When preparing to hang up the phone from talking with my sister, we usually end with I love you. My counselor and friends often remind me how much God loves me. I think I’m often numb to those words.

But that one line in that email stuck in my brain yesterday, and wouldn’t let go. As I’ve already written about, it’s been an extremely difficult, dark week. Yesterday started out as no exception. But those words just wouldn’t go away.

Yesterday, I did something I never do. I packed a bag with my iPad, my journal, my notebook, my Bible, and my reading glasses {ugh}, stopped by Starbucks for coffee, and headed to the local state park. I drove around until I found a spot I liked…an open area right in front of the lake. I sat in my car, music softly playing, and re-read the email conversation. It ended with that one line.

I grabbed my pen and notebook, and began to write. I thought about what people feel when they are numb to love. I wrote about the still, dark hours; the tears we can no longer cry; the hopelessness; the fear; the wasted chances…and how even in the midst of all that desperation, we are still loved just as we are. And somehow, through that time spent writing about love, I found relief. I found some light in the darkness, and some of the weight was lifted from my shoulders.

In my eyes, God has gone to great measures this week to let me know how much He loves me. Yes, the cross should be proof enough; but I think for those of us who have grown up in church, the cross can become just a familiar part of Bible stories. I realize how crude that sounds, but for me, it’s sadly true. It’s taken reading You are loved, Rebekah to bring to my remembrance how desperately He loves me. While I still struggle to accept that love, I am keenly aware of it now.

I want to leave you with one last thought: You are loved.


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  1. I love reading the words from your heart – I needed to hear these today. What a wonder it is to know we are loved! Everyone needs to be reminded from time to time how true that statement is! Thank you. :)

  2. Lynn Morrissey says:

    I had not read this post, Rebekah. When I pulled up your blog, it just went back to my last communication that I had had with you, and for some reason, I didn’t think to click your “home” button. I don’t receive your blog in my inbox (at least I’m not finding a way I can subscribe), so I just hadn’t gone to the most recent post. And this staggers me–your backstory to what I had written earlier. I had had no idea of your two-sentence plea for God to speak. I’m amazed that I even found you, and now, I have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that this whole thing has been orchestrated by God for reasons, perhaps, I can’t even fathom. What else could have led me to click on at random and find your blog from Shelly’s? I have no real idea why I did! And then, when I read your courageous words, God used them to prick my soul, confirming that what I had been thinking about doing–not reading– (praying about it too, from time to time), was being reinforced by a stranger, whose blog I just happened to find. And I can’t believe that as I was re-reading a journal from last year today, that I had written a quote by Lauren Winner, about how God led her not to read outside Christian books (maybe any books) during Lent. It’s as if all the pieces are coming together. I had forgotten I had even written about considering this possibility last year and how I had found Lauren’s quote. It’s amazing all that I would forever forget if I hadn’t written it down. But the synchronicity is unmistakable. What led me to click on your name? What led you to write that particular post, which was assuring to you? What led you to pray that particular prayer? Why have I been praying this lately? What led me to pick up that particular journal today? (I have many–why *that* one?!) And then in your email you told me about another connection that I am trying to piece together. All I can say is that God is afoot, and He is doing something. And I am so glad for your vunerable heart that bares your thoughts and emotions “on the page.” God bless you, Rebekah, and may He continue to grant you courage and grace. May He be more real and palpable to you than you dared to dream possible!

    • Lynn, I loved reading how God is speaking through each of us to the other! Don’t you love how you can look back at something you wrote down a long time ago and see how God’s been working all along? I do that with the notes I keep in my writing journal. I’ll be very interested to hear how God speaks if you do decide to put the books away for a while.

      You can subscribe to my blog clicking the orange button under “Stay In Touch.”


      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        Yes, I love how God continues to speak through what we write or *have* written! That is the beauty of keeping a journal! …….in my case, numerous journals over the years. I’m so passionate about it, really believe this is part of my calling — to encourage others to journal to Him. Let’s stay in touch, and perhaps we can encourage each other on this road to hearing him only.