A Fresh Dose Of Hope


The past year has been incredibly long and frustrating and grief-filled and silent.

But new opportunities and a fresh dose of hope are on the horizon. New songs are in the near future.

I have an appointment for a collaborative songwriting session on Wednesday. I’ve never written with this musician before, so I have no idea if we’ll write a great song, a bad song, or no song at all. What excites me is the opportunity, the chance, to write again . . . to do what I love to do.

While I’m grateful for and cautiously optimistic about the future, I have to admit I’m not quite done grieving the former things: the old dream. It’s hard to find the balance between grief and goodness. Between letting go and reaching for something new.

I won’t deny the gift in front of me by staying stuck in grief, but to accept it feels like a bit like betrayal, an abandonment of dreams I treasured for so long.

* * * * * 

Maybe we don’t realize how much our dreams mean to us until we’re stripped of the chance to see them fulfilled. Maybe the purpose of loss is to show us what was really important all along, what we should’ve fought to keep. Maybe it teaches us to hold close the dreams we treasure and not take for granted a single step of the journey.

Here’s to taking an unexpected path . . .



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  1. Roland Legge says:

    Rebekah, what a moving reflection today. I agree with you it can be so hard to let go of old dreams that never got fulfilled. But when we find the courage to begin to let go then new dreams become possible. I hope and pray that the new adventures you are beginning will bring you and those touched by you abundant life! It takes courage to take the “unexpected path”. “I am not a song writer but I can understand in my own way the challenges you face. Blessings to you on your journey!

    • Thank you for the encouragement, Roland. You know, I think fear is what keeps us holding on to old dreams…fear that the new one won’t measure up. At least, that’s true for me.

      • Roland Legge says:

        Yes Rebekah I agree with you. Fear too often has blocked me from doing what I feel called to do. I find it easy to worry about whether I am good enough or what I am doing will work out in the way I hope. It takes great courage to break through these fears! It is good to know that there are other people such as yourself who are finding the courage to do this. I hope you have a great week!

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey says:

    This sounds so wonderful, Rebekah. I’m so happy for a new opportunity. MAybe the dream is taking a totally different shape. Sometimes we need to get to the heart of the dream, whose outlines flesh out in ways we can’t imagine . . . but the core never changes. I pray this is true for you and share in your hope and excitement. You are in my prayers.

    • Thank you, Lynn. I think you’re on to something important there: “the heart of the dream.” I need to take some time to dwell on that. Love you!

  3. “Here’s to taking an unexpected path…” I raise my glass with you! Whatever the outcome, you will enrich the folks you encounter. And, may you be enriched by them. Shalom, my sister.