Buildings collapsed in eastern Turkey during Sunday’s 7.2 earthquake. The death toll is over 450 and rising. More than 1,300 were injured.
As I watched a news report describing the quake and the disaster it left behind, one anchor commented that there was “a miracle amidst the rubble.” 14-day-old Azra, her mother and grandmother were found alive among the destruction of a collapsed apartment building. The image of a rescue worker holding the baby, walking toward safety is not one I’ll soon forget. I wonder if when Azra is older she’ll tell everyone she meets how her life was spared, how she was rescued, and how thankful she is for the one who pulled her to safety.
I’ve seen quite a few miracles amdist the rubble lately. I have friends who are enduring the worst kind of sickness, and friends who’ve been hit with the unexpected death of a loved one. In my opinion, they have every right to complain, to curl up in a heap and pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Yet, from their lips {and hearts} resounding praise is heard: Praise to God who heals, delivers and rescues. Praise to God who makes all things new. Praise to God for the surety of eternal life and heavenly reunions. Praise to God because their tragedies may bring just one person to Him. Praise to God who shelters them under His wings. Praise to God who makes miracles amidst rubble.