
I’ve experienced a lot of doubt and questioning over the last couple of weeks.

But God…

faithful, as He always is, has wrapped me in perfect peace.

The more I focused on the doubt and questions, the more I doubted and questioned. I think questioning is good, but when it gets to the point of creating confusion, it’s gone too far.

I finally decided I’d doubted and questioned enough over this particular subject that kept presenting itself. I had to trust God’s Word and the interpretation of it He’d led me to understand. And through others, He confirmed that understanding.

This morning I was thinking about the peace I’ve had over the last couple of days. Isaiah 26:3 came to mind:

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

I realized when my mind is set on Him, on trusting Him, instead of being set on doubts and questions, peace prevails.

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  1. Simple Life Journey says:

    He has a bigger plan, and it is so hard while waiting for it to be revealed. I have learned that one of the most important things for me to learn is trust. And sometimes that is the hardest thing to do.