Day 15: Running



I was the kid in school who didn’t like p.e. I didn’t like playing any sports that involved a ball. I wasn’t terribly coordinated so I was always scared of the ball. I detested running because I most certainly did not like to sweat. I offered every excuse I could think of {as often as possible} to sit out of p.e. If you had told me back then that one day I’d enjoy running {and sweating}, I’d have said you were crazy.

I’m thankful for the ability to run. I don’t take it for granted.

While running is good, physical exercise, it’s much more than that to me:

  • I’ve gained mental strength through running. It’s taught me that circumstances may be painful and difficult, but they won’t kill me. And if I push through, I’ll be stronger in the end.
  • I’ve done what I never thought I could do by running two half-marathons. {I’m currently preparing for my third.}
  • Pounding the pavement often gives me time to clear my head of clutter and focus on communication with God.
  • I’ve been able to show my girls if they set a goal and work hard, they can achieve it.
  • It’s an opportunity to get outdoors and see the wonder of creation.

I’m thankful that my friend, Ashley, pushed me to take that first run {gasping and whining the whole time} five years ago. Little did I know what a life changer it would be.

I’m grateful I’m no longer the girl sitting on the sidelines.


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