For When You’ve Screwed Up


It was never your intention, but one small choice quickly led to another until you were in over your head with no way out.

You screwed up…badly. You made some poor choices. You hurt those you love and those who love you.

You’ve seen the initial reactions now that word’s getting out, and the shame and guilt you already feel are rapidly mutliplying.

Some will abandon you. Some will point fingers. Some will talk behind your back and smile to your face.

There will be many who will dole out advice and counsel. And you’ll listen because you no longer trust your own judgment. You’ll assume everyone else knows what to do about your situation better than you do.

You’ll be quick to put on a mask and wear a smile because that’s easier than letting people look in your eyes and see the brokenness. And most people will buy your act because it’s easier than spending the time it takes to lift someone out of a miry pit.


There will be one or two who will sweep in and be Jesus to you. They’ll be the ones who won’t ask you about the details of what you did. They’ll simply want to sit with you and tell you how much Jesus loves you. They’ll tell you that your heart is good, and that God looks at your heart. They’ll remind you of your worth. They’ll listen to you ask the same question over and over again: How did I get to this place? And they’ll answer you each time with grace: We all screw up. They’ll probably be able to empathize with you like no one else because they’ve been in similar situations.

So when these one or two show up, let them into your crazy, messed-up world. Let your guard down, and let them love you. Let them gently lead you into the loving arms of Jesus.

And when you finally reach the point where you can look back and see the good from it all, look around for others who need you to be Jesus to them.



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