Quietly Celebrating Good Friday

For obvious reasons, most Christians observe a sort of reverence on Good Friday. A day to remember. Some choose to remember and focus on their sin. Some choose to mourn the death of Jesus.

I choose to quietly celebrate.

Every wrong that ever was or ever will be committed was heaped upon the sinless Savior as He willingly hung on the cross. And just before breathing his last breath, He spoke these words: It is finished!

The power of sin is finished! The grip of guilt and shame is finished!

I celebrate because I remember that the cross is the place of my release. It’s the place where I first stood mocking, and still He said, Father, forgive (her); for (she) does not know what (she) is doing. It’s the place where I then fell on my knees in surrender as He took away my shame.

Today I celebrate the freedom found in love displayed on the beautiful, terrible cross.

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