We Are Part Of The Story

When I hear or read someone discounting story, I perk up to pay attention. While it’s true that “God and His Word are enough,” as I recently read, it’s important to remember that God gave us story…His Story. We are part of The Story. And we have stories to tell. Stories He wants us to tell…and hear.

The Bible is full of stories. It is The Story…of loving redemption. I love reading about Abraham, Noah, David, Peter, Paul…their stories. I love reading the story of Jesus…healing the sick, hanging out with the outcasts, throwing a righteous fit in the temple, performing miracle after miracle, and most importantly, saving us. They’re the most important stories ever told.

But the stories don’t stop there! Jesus is still redeeming and performing miracles, and we have a responsibility to share those stories. We need to hear them…because if His Word is alive and active, stories are still taking place. Otherwise, His Word is a book of stories that once took place, but are no longer valid to us today.

We can point a lost world to the Bible; but most often, it’s our stories…our telling of Jesus’ redeeming work in our lives…that will point someone to His Word in the first place.

Call me crazy, but I believe God can speak whenever and however He wants to speak, not just through the Bible. Yes, His words will line up with The Word, but let’s not discount when He speaks to us in a way other than through reading His Word.

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