Thirty Days of Thanksgiving: Day 4

I’ve always loved music. All kinds. Everything from children’s songs to jazz to country to Christian to pop to rock to {sometimes…yes, I admit it} rap. I’ve always been one to sing along with the radio. But it wasn’t until my early twenties that I began to sing in front of people. It was then that I found that people connect with lyrics to songs. And I was {and still am} thankful to be a tool that God often uses to share words that cause people to respond to Him.

Singing is a gift I don’t take for granted. There was a time a few years ago when I thought I might never sing again. Not because of any physical problem, but because I thought God no longer wanted me. When He spoke the words to my heart, God often uses broken people to accomplish great things, I knew He was calling me back. You see, He wanted me all along, but I was the one who had walked away in a broken state.

I’m beyond thankful for every opportunity to sing, whether it’s alone in my home or in a packed sanctuary…because when it comes down to it, there’s really only One audience that matters.

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