Thirty Days of Thanksgiving: Day 2

When I was young I would daydream about my life as an adult. I wanted to live downtown {somewhere} amongst bright lights in a big city. I wanted a career as an attorney. My daydreams rarely included a husband, and certainly didn’t involve children.

How differently my life turned out to be! A husband and three kids later, I wouldn’t trade a second of my crazy life for those daydreams.

I’m thankful for three little girls who have brought me immeasurable joy and taught me so much about life and love {and patience}.

My oldest daughter, Grace, is analytical, competitive and strong-willed. She loves music of all kinds, and has the gift of singing. She’s often quiet and sits back to observe new situations {much like me}. Because she’s the oldest, I have learned so much through her about parenting: opening up and facing the hard stuff…stuff I normally keep to myself, but for her sake, have learned to share. She questions everything, and as a parent, I sometimes want to toss out, Because I said so. But because she has a genuine need to know and understand, I’ve had to learn to take the time for explanations.

My middle child, Emma, is artsy, energetic and tender-hearted. She talks almost non-stop and is only still when she’s asleep. She has a natural talent for dancing {I really don’t know where those genes came from…her dad I have only left feet and no rhythm}. She’s a funny child and loves to be the center of attention. She makes friends easily…I guess because she can’t see other children without talking to them. She’s taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and connect a little more easily with people I don’t know. She’s also brought sensitivity to my often-blunt personality.

My youngest, Hannah, is strong-willed and independent. She’s quiet and shy around others, but is definitely the loudest child in our house. She knows what she wants {and doesn’t}, and is quick to let the rest of us know. She often likes to play alone, stretching her imagination with every new barbie adventure. She’s often so reserved that when she blurts out a one-liner, we all double over in laughter just because it’s unexpected. She’s taught me to pry a little deeper with people because you never know what you might find under the first layer of personality.

Fifteen years ago, I would’ve never guessed that children could teach me so much and bring me so much joy. But I’m so thankful God has filled my home and heart with three wonderful girls.

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