My daughter played her last softball game of the fall season on Tuesday night. She’s never played fall ball before, but thought playing this year would strengthen her skills before the spring season. Apparently fall ball is much more relaxed than spring ball, and quite a few other girls were playing for the same reason. In addition, there were a few girls who’d never played ball and thought fall ball would be a good way to get their feet wet.
They lost the last game by one point. They made a few errors, but all in all, they played hard and looked good. It was quite a different ballgame than the first game of the season. The first game they played looked almost like a t-ball game. One child made it to first base, but as she attempted to get to second base, was tagged out. I’m pretty sure she thought they were playing dodgeball instead of softball. She didn’t understand that she was to run in a straight line to second base, and she curved so far behind the first and second base players that we thought she might run to the outfield. Then there were those who never really knew where to throw the ball once they caught it. It was quite a funny and frustrating scene for us parents to watch since we knew what was supposed to be happening on the field, but could do nothing to help.
After many evening practices and many game losses, they slowly improved. As the games rolled along, the parents would comment how much better they were doing. As I watched them play Tuesday night, I thought, They’ve come a long way since they first began this season.
When Mark and I married fourteen-and-a-half years ago, we didn’t know what we were doing. We thought marriage would be fun and roses {I guess if anybody really knew how hard marriage is, they might not ever get married}. We started out not having a clue about what it takes to make a marriage work. And like the ball team, we’ve had lots of practice and many errors. And in the stands we’ve had people cheering us on, but who knew it was up to us to make it work. We’ve had moments of joy and moments of tears; we still have to practice, and we’ll still have losses; but overall, I can say, We’ve come a long way since we first began.