The Ultimate Father

In the deepest heart of every person, God planted a longing for himself, as He is: a God of love. – Eugenia Price

My life changed when I grasped that God is loving and good. He’s the ultimate Father.

I know there are many other characteristics to describe God, but good and loving Father is the concept to which I cling. Everything He does is based on His goodness and His love for His children.

I used to think of God as an abusive Father: one who sat on His throne in anger, waiting for me to mess up so He could dole out His wrath. I thought He couldn’t wait to say, I told you so! as He watched me writhe in anguish at the punishment and consequences he heaped upon me.

It took an act of complete selfishness on my part, inflicting injury on others, for me to see God as good and loving.

My sin was not without consequences, but in my opinion, they should’ve been much worse.

What I received from God shocked me: 

  • forgiveness instead of wrath
  • gentleness instead of anger
  • mild consequences instead of a tornado of punishment
  • faithfulness instead of abandonment
  • mercy instead of vengeance
  • compassion instead of condemnation 

I’m so thankful that God revealed Himself to me as a good and loving Father.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV)




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  1. Thoughts for the day says:

    Wonderful… thank you!