There are some women who have lots of women friends, and every one of them is a best friend. That’s not me. I have several good friends and lots of friends I can count on, but there are only three I trust with everything about me.
Meet the three women who I am so thankful God placed in my life:
Natalie and I became fast friends about nine years ago when we were singing in an ensemble together. She was the first female I ever really trusted as an adult. When our ensemble faced a difficult circumstance, I watched her handle it with honor and grace. My family spent many Sunday nights in her home, sharing yummy meals {she’s a great cook…one of those people who doesn’t have to follow a recipe}. She loved my babies before she ever had babies. And at a time when I turned my back on almost every friend I had, and they, in return, did the same to me, she remained. She offered grace to me when it would’ve been easier to abandon me. I’m thankful for all the memories we share {like the time she dropped a lizard in my house, sending me to the top of the couch, screaming}, but I’m even more thankful that we’re still making memories.
I’ve written about Ashley before. We’ve only been friends for a little over four years, but it seems like a lifetime. It really is hard to imagine my life before she was in it. God placed us together at a time when we needed each other. We’ve often been mistaken for sisters, and once, a nursery worker tried to give me her son! She introduced me to coffee {thanks for the addiction, Ashley!} and to running {which she promptly gave up after I fell in love with it}. She’s the friend who puts life into perspective, yet lightens up somber situations with her witty one-liners. She never fails to put a smile on my face and laughter in my heart. I’m thankful that she’s the friend I can call day or night for anything.
Last, but certainly not least, is a newer friend. I’ve known Jennifer from afar for about three years, but only in the last year have we become good friends. Our friendship began and has developed through our search for a deeper understanding of grace. And through those talks, we found that we share the same sense of humor and the same desire for genuine relationships. She’s the friend who makes me dig in Scripture for truth. She’s the friend who told me there was no right or wrong about homeschool vs. public school {girl, thank you for those words…I’m so glad to have my days back!!}. When it comes to spiritual matters, our minds tend to run along the same wavelength, and we find ourselves in conversations that sound more like they belong in a seminary class. She’s the friend my soul loves {even if I am jealous of her extensive collection of fabulous shoes and accessories!}.